links for 2005-11-19

19. November 2005 von delicious
  • Our mission is to support the use of open standards and open directories, while encouraging all IM networks to do the same, thereby ensuring simple, inter-operable access to instant messaging and continued competition and innovation for all.
  • WSRelater is a recommendations web service that enables a website to easily implement a „People who liked this (song, book, group) also liked the following…“ function. Adding this recommendation functionality to your website can literally be done in a few hours.
  • Das Konzept der Attribut-Paare, die sich bei Google Base nutzen und auch erweitern lässt, schafft Möglichkeiten, die es erst noch zu erobern gilt. Sowohl einfachste Kleinanzeigen, Termine, Jobangebote und Hinweise auf Internet-Adressen sind möglich.
    (tags: Google Web_2.0)
  • Given that a majority of users are not contributing anything (or are actively sabotaging) the usefulness of this collective tool, how do we use the tool effectively in spite of them?

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