16. Juni 2009 von delicious
An open-source application called Wagn is bringing new order to web collaboration by expanding the power of wikis, the popular collaboration tools that let you add, edit, and link information while browsing.
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2009-06-15
31. März 2009 von delicious
In this way, I've collected a set of strategies that address the most common issues that I see come up over and over again as online products go to market. I've decided to share these with you so we can continue to teach the network, and consequently ourselves, a little bit more about how to make extraordinary Web applications that can really make a difference in the marketplace.
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2009-03-30
26. März 2009 von delicious
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2009-03-25
18. November 2008 von delicious
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2008-11-17
16. November 2008 von delicious
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2008-11-15
25. Oktober 2008 von delicious
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2008-10-24
15. Oktober 2008 von delicious
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2008-10-14
14. Mai 2008 von delicious
Small selection of web design, usability, and accessibility related results of research, most of them derived from Human Factors International.
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2008-05-14
11. März 2008 von delicious
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2008-03-11
9. März 2008 von delicious
The following package of extensions will incorporate a social profile, user board, and basic profile information into MediaWiki, specifically Avatars, Friending, Foeing, User Board, Board Blast, and basic Profile Information.
A Google Talk chatback badge will let visitors to your web page chat with you. They’ll be able to chat with you whenever you’re signed in to Google Talk
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2008-03-09
17. Januar 2008 von delicious
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2008-01-17
15. Januar 2008 von delicious
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2008-01-15
13. Januar 2008 von delicious
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2008-01-13
12. Dezember 2007 von delicious
The goal is to provide a cohesive, feature-rich repository of web design templates for various platforms. Themebot is all about building a community of web developers who use and support open source software.
CSSVista is a free Windows application for web developers which lets you edit your CSS code live in both Internet Explorer and Firefox simultaneously.
Enter your web site URL (and up to three comparision URL’s) then enter the keyword(s) you wish to find the search engine ranking ranking for.
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-12-12
29. November 2007 von delicious
Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-11-29