links for 2007-11-19

19. November 2007 von delicious
  • Jiglu plugs into your site to automatically create intelligent tags and links for your web content. This means that people can dive straight in and read what they want – your most popular blog entries or even stuff buried deep within your site.

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-11-19

links for 2007-11-12

12. November 2007 von delicious

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-11-12

links for 2007-11-11

11. November 2007 von delicious
  • With Scripteka you can view an extensive library prototype based extensions, rate and use rating to find the coolest scripts out there, submit your own creations and get community feedback
    * 4) Subscribe to the newest additions to the library

Kategorie: Bookmarks | 1 Kommentar »

links for 2007-10-18

18. Oktober 2007 von delicious

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-10-18

links for 2007-10-10

10. Oktober 2007 von delicious

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-10-10

links for 2007-08-29

29. August 2007 von delicious

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-08-29

links for 2007-08-23

23. August 2007 von delicious

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-08-23

links for 2007-08-22

22. August 2007 von delicious

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-08-22

links for 2007-08-21

21. August 2007 von delicious
  • Do comments make it a blog? Do the lack of comments make it not a blog? My opinion is that that comments interfere with the natural expression of the unedited voice of an individual.
    (tags: Weblogs)

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-08-21

links for 2007-08-18

18. August 2007 von delicious

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-08-18

links for 2007-08-15

15. August 2007 von delicious

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-08-15

links for 2007-08-14

14. August 2007 von delicious

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-08-14

links for 2007-08-04

4. August 2007 von delicious
  • Only 16% of the US online population is familiar with what a wiki is. Even if you just look at the online trendsetters (18-34 year olds), only 27% of those online users are familiar with wikis.
    (tags: wiki survey)

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-08-04

links for 2007-08-02

2. August 2007 von delicious

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-08-02

links for 2007-07-27

27. Juli 2007 von delicious

Kategorie: Bookmarks | Kommentare deaktiviert für links for 2007-07-27

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