Verbesserter PDF-Output für Open Office

3. Dezember 2004 von Wolfgang Sommergut

Martin Brown hat die Version 1.2 seines extendedPDF publiziert:

extendedPDF is an macro that converts an OpenOffice document into a PDF document. The output includes the original document’s headings as PDF bookmarks, and includes the original hyperlinks as PDF hyperlinks. Document meta-information (such as title, author, and keywords) is also added. (…) The user now has full control over the color of hyperlink boxes. Links to files work better. All document types are converted via Ghostscript for improved PDF quality.

Die Software unterliegt der GNU General Public License (GPL).

Kategorie: Open Source, Tools und Tipps Kommentare deaktiviert für Verbesserter PDF-Output für Open Office

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